Truck Drivers Found To Be Getting Biggest Wage Increase In US Job Market

by Jana Ritter - Published: 11/05/2016

According to the US job site, truck driver wages increased the most over the last year out of 60 common professions compared. In fact, since last October trucking wages were found to have grown by a whopping 7.8%, which is far more than the overall 2.8% wage growth for all jobs. "We have a booming economy, we're seven years into the expansion and truck drivers are the front line," explains Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at Glassdoor.

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While the overall pay for truck drivers certainly varies by the type of job, distance and employer, the estimated median pay for long haul drivers is at $54,000 per year and according to the American Trucking Association those working for a private fleet can earn up to $73,000 a year. If you compare that to the average salaries for other trade professions such as machine operators at $36,800, construction workers at $36,600 and maintenance workers at $41,179, it appears that long hauling is still the way to go for those who don’t mind the lifestyle.

Of course, the lifestyle factor is actually one of the biggest reasons trucking companies are having more difficulty in recruiting and retaining truck drivers, especially now that work-life balance is becoming a lot more important to Americans. Therefore, it’s no surprise that employers are continuing to offer higher and higher wages as more accumulating factors keep driving up the competition for recruiting new talent. According to the ATA, even in the last few years the overall truck driver shortage has grown from 30,000 drivers in 2013 to a shortage of nearly 50,000 drivers today. Industry experts also say it’s becoming more difficult to bring in younger drivers because of the work schedule demands. Chamberlain also says that with the overall US unemployment currently at a low 5%, trucking companies are even more hard pressed to find new and qualified drivers. "That's going to force companies to hike up wages to get the employees they need," he says.

And despite the recent headlines about autonomous trucks ultimately replacing truck drivers in the future, economists such as Chamberlain say that isn’t going to happen any time soon. Many argue that since the job actually involves more than just driving a truck, it isn’t something that a robot will be able to easily replace. Not to mention that with the economy growing over the last seven years, there continues to be a ton of goods that need to be transported, which is another reason that truck driver wages are going up.

Kirk Righetti
Ok 'm calling BS...being that if you combine everything we do with the time we do it in, times what we make....Ladies and Gentleman that are bitching about working for minimum wage, we wish we were making minimum wage. Next time y'all scream for $15 an hour. try working about 4 hours of your shift at work for free. Think about that, and plus you miss your kids growing up, your anniversary, birthdays, family events...So next time y'all think about posting this type of thing, might want to actually find out what trucking entitles.
Jonathan Dill
Entails* Spot on!! Average driver isn't making big money, coupled with average workload of 3500 hours a year vs 2000 (70 hours a week x 50 weeks vs 40 hours a week 50 weeks) for 20-25% more than a office job.... Yeah. "Big raises" - show me the money!
Kirk Righetti
Honestly the issue isn't the job, its the companies that are flooding this industry with individuals that are promised (lied to) in making a living. Probably 10 years ago that's true, now you need a second income. Most drivers now are steering wheel holders, don't know any better. I am old school, so yea lil biased. But I see my area goin away and the new irresponsible area taking over. Meaning there is no respect...for road and other drivers.
Stacey Wright
I would like your comment but that doesn't really say how much I like what you just said so I'm just gonna give you a big fuck yeah
Kirk Righetti
I just spoke the truth is all..and I drive otr so I know what I'm talking about...and thank you
Andy Turner
It's an increase compared to what we got before. We will never be paid for everything we do so bringing it up is nothing less than a waste of time and energy.
Andy Turner
Besides I don't know anyone making minimum wage who is taking home a grand a week, and the reason is because your math is way off.
Andy Turner
Even if you burn through all 70 hours over the course of a week (which no one who knows how to log does) and gross 1200, you're still getting over 17 an hour.
Andy Turner
We are still categorized under unskilled labor, therefore coming into this business expecting make a fortune is a pipe dream and always will be.
Kirk Righetti
Ok I'll explain it to you since either your not a driver or something. If you have a local job, manufacturing, production, service you get paid for your time...clock in clock out. The company pays for everything you do. In the industry of truck driving, there are many aspects of trucking you don't get paid fully for ie tarping for flat bed for example. Your are correct in that we get paid for driving. But how many jobs do you work 70 hours a week an no over time. If you take truck driving compared to other have to figure 40 hrs for trucking. Meaning you work 30 hours pretty much free, you don't see your family much, miss events. So tell me how you feel trucking makes more than minimum wage???? Go head I'm listening
Kirk Righetti
Andy Turner where you getting that we are unskilled labor. Last I checked you take tests to.get your certification (cdl), you have endorcements (air bag, brakes...combo). Do you know the definition of "skilled labor" is. We are in the same catagory as law enforcement...just different subheading...
Robert W. Day II
Andy Turner and $17/hr is good maybe for a HS or college kid, but not for someone who's trying to provide for a family
Kirk Righetti
If you take what we do and put a value on it, we should be making an equivalent of a salary of 80k +
Michael Kordi
Some O/Os,and lease purchase drivers,are allegedly claiming to bring home between 120k and 200k a year. LOL. They are claiming thats net. Not gross. And whoever isn't bringing home that much is a "steering wheel holder" or whatever.
Kirk Righetti
I have held long haul truck jobs that I did make that range of pay...that trucking job was specialty hauling. Most jobs are your typical dry box, well as half the flat bed hauling. These positions are the low paying jobs, the least skilled. Basically the trucks that mostly driving. The jobs that make upwards of 120k low range. So yes there are driving jobs that do make that. These companies are mostly O/O and don't advertise. Companies that advertise are bottom feeders, the more the advertise the lower the company is on the ladder...
Mike Van Der Mallie
I love working for a company that pays $80,000 a year .... If u feel like your not getting paid what u deserve then it's time for a new job .
Kendal Nawadny
You goshdamn right
Kirk Righetti
Mike Van Der Mallie to get where I'm tryin to get to take time and the right experience. I'm not goin for low end 80k...I'm goin for 6 figure hauling...don't have to work year round can see your daily more. Have a life and earn enough to rerire
Lizz Boggs
Andy Turner wasn't claiming we are unskilled labor... Until recently we (truck drivers) were CATEGORIZED as unskilled labor... Now we are categorized as "mid- skilled labor"...
Kirk Righetti
The dad part is that drivers in the transport industry have always been classified as unskilled, being that no college degree to carry the job. It's why wages are so low.
Kenny Clower
How about getting paid while sitting at the dock getting screwed with a handful of sand thrown in.....Not worth being away from home any more.......And the idiots in the trucks now a days.......screw the trucking industry....lets cruise at 62 in the left lane in a 75.........because you are a no driving MORON
Bruce Smith
That's no lie
Kirk Righetti
Apparently the labor force executives do consider a long haul truck driver an unskilled force...that's sad, I will expect to get refunded for my lisense, and all other expense I have to pay for my job...since you consider our job as unskilled...ur disgusting
Ronald Hill
Pay increase where the hell is it not in my paychecks food goes up along with gas clothes ECT pay isn't how the hell are we supposed to live feed off the government hell no I'm not these people believe their own damn lies
Robert W. Day II
According to Clinton the queen she'll fix it
Sim Taylor
Yeah well when everybody is on electronic log and they govern the trucks down, the money has to go up. Nobody is going to work for less. Mileage money may go up, but with your speed limited and big brother watching you your miles will go down. Money goes up but miles go down. Big deal
PJ Heinz
It's false articles like these that sucker the unsuspecting idiots into this business with delusions of grandeur and wealth beyond their wildest dreams. Then reality sets in...
Scott Wagner
Yeah I'll believe that when the brokers in that start paying $2 44 dry Freight in $2.10 more for reefer I call BS and until that happens b*******
Bruce Smith
Brokers are part of the problem. Them seem to think that they are entitled to the 30% to 40% they take.
Tony Hanson
How about zero increase in over ten years all the while enduring ridiculously high fuel, maintenance and equipment cost increases! The pay and rates are 40% behind where they should be for the cost and sacrifice!
Joe Christy
Ten years? Try twenty i make the same money my dad did starting over 20 yrs ago
Thomas J. Seidel
They just ended wagelock pay where I work, to me that means we have too many drivers and they're trying to get some to quit
Phil Killerlain
What increases there have been really did not cover the cost rises in everything drivers and owners use ! Scales 11 dollars where 3 dollars ! Tolls what was 14 dollars to cross IN something like 40 now ! Try eating at a truck stop restaurant hamburger 10 dollars with a drink ? Where they still have buffets 14 dollars where they where 7 dollars ! All of this in the past 9 years ! And drivers got 10 cents a mile ? Owners have had to eat it !
Jeffrey Smith
Companys are trying to pay owner operators the same rate they did 15 years ago! Total BS
Merle Niehaus
I got a He'll of a pay raise,,,,food stamps and obama care,!!!
Olga Yakubovsky
Olga Yakubovsky
Total bs... We wish tho.. With all new rules i say pay cut!!
Jeff Flippins
I certainly didnt have a wage increase, as a matter of fact i have seen the rates go down for the past year.. we sure could use a wage increase though.
Matt Pimental
Couldn't pay enuff to go back out there! I'll stay up in tbe north Maine woods moving equipment
James R Maxwell
Someone didn't do their homework. While a steaming pile of shizzzz
Justin Bozek
Lol according to the website space aliens are coming to take over the world. That's about as believable as truck drivers getting a pay raise
Kris Carter
To all you people bitching about the conditions of trucking, QUIT YOUR JOB THEN.
Roger Stice
Yeah that's how initiate change quit and walk away.
Cody Blankenship
You haven't been in the trucking industry long enough to know that's just what drivers do.. Piss and moan.. And get back in the truck and go to work..
Kris Carter
I drove an entire recession to know how companies and the dot are willing to treat drivers. I got sick of it 7 years later and walked.
Lee Rexroad
When does this start? I been waiting 20 years to make what I'm worth?
Phil Dubya
I would like to know where my increase is??? Do these people even read what they write?
Steve Mcintyre
44% of all jobs in the US are involved in transportation but I think whoever wrote this was either smoking or dreaming.
Cathy Sorrells
Not to mention showers are $12 if you song have credits on your rewards card...pilot...Columbus,Ohio
Frank Banning
Bullshit" pay does not cover the Hours you Work not even close. 👎🏻😖👎🏻
Dawayne A Brice
Yeah if you are an hourly driver, otr ppm drivers pay has been the same for 40 yrs or longer
Braden Edwards
Doubt it . Wages for truckers have never went much since I started in 1980
Sonny Larson
If you're bitching about your paycheck it's no one's fault but your own! Find a company where you can make the amount of money you think you're worth!
Sean Lindstedt
Yup it will be short lived...they will sence your joy..and stop it
Michael Nexsen
I call bs also all the time we put in out here some of us are lucky to take home 600.00 a week should make way more for what we have to deal with out here!
William Seifert
Mike Wade
Log 70 hours work 90
Eldon Lesley
that all, lol
Rick Lowe
And get paid for 40
Mike Saunders
I can point out so many flaws in this story!!
Steven N Kelly Hare
This is laughable!!!
Scott Laborde
Think I left out in this survey
Brian McCoy
I call bull shit
Miles Johnson
Damn....what have they been smokin'?
Harry Singh Jr.

Dean Lane
The reality is, this is bs. Otr drivers are the most taken advantage of by their own industry. No ot, no perdiem, no pay when sitting, no paid or day off for holidays. No sympathy if you aren't down with that. Otr drivers should strike for 48 hours. No trucks move until they are balanced between pay to life time measure to as well as for the responsibility involved with each safety aspect. When the truck breaks, drivers money stops coming in yet must go out to survive. Dot cooperation, online tests, pap er rwork. Route troubleshooting. All part of the job that is virtually non paid. Unloading, loading, attending the process 0$ on the payday. No ot is complete bs.
Darwin Thompson
Some more of Obama's cronies Fuzzy Math
Jeremy Winslow
Where are they looking???? Fantasy land??
April Angel Murdoch
Lmao yea sure... I'll check the next paycheck!
Ron Wike
Häynēs TooSmøøve Eddïe

Brett Ruge

Dave Brendel
This us wages from the 90's companies still want to pay it
Neil Coltun
Celashits quoted me .32 a mile, told them no thanks and that's with experience
Doug Smith
Uhhh, when the heck are we going to see it?
Dave Brendel
Eldon Lesley
ya think?
Patrick Berryhill
Tyrone Woods
bawhahahahahahahaha did y'all see that bawhahahahaha they made a funny
Robert Sloan
I call 🐂💩
Joseph Austin
Propaganda for recruiting.
Terry J. Murray
I call bullshit!!
Griff Ace
Where's this happening fairyland
Tim Dorsey
You lying fucks! Biggest wage decrease you fuck nuts.
Homero Alvaro Lara

Shannon Holbrooks
Steven Hill
Yeah right , bullshit
Heather Donaghy
They deserve it
Carl Jay Merrick
Ya ok were not in this line of work.
John Laprade
It's about time
Scott Mc Lean
Where n when?
Mark T Foutch
Now here's some serious bullshit smfh
David L. Adams
Never been this poor in 32 years out here
Arley Dub
Greg Petti
Yea right
Cathy Sorrells
Don't have not song..Damn auto
Travis Heikes
Yah right
David Hackney
Yeah right!
David Hackney
Totally agree with Kirk!
Joe Braddy
About time, we are behind about 15 years so it better be good
Mark Kerns
Lupe Garza
Increase for Driver ? Really ? 1.50 to 2.00 a mile For drivers ONLY
Eliot E. Oitker
LMAO.....I WISH.....
Sean Lindstedt
This add is to notice new drivers thinking about get ing in
Stephen Jorgensen
Joe Eads
Michael Mccollum
I'm calling bullshit
Mike Kent Sr.
My ass lowest paid poeple out here
Kolya Oleksyn
Bs, cheap load.. wow
Burlin Herron
Maybe if your local OTR guy are way underpaid
Hollie Wolters
BS. I'M still making crap
Jim Rigney
Robert L Tisdale
Michael Shane Stanton
Dean Lane
My company thinks I'm being unreasonable becsuse I am going to be home for thsnksgiving against their authority. I have a problem with that. I'll be home for roving regardless.
Randy Schiro
Leon Sessions
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Bullshit.......
Robert W. Day II
Ken Burns
Allen Tyndall
Homero Alvaro Lara
Deb York
This doesn't include OO .total BS. Rates need to go up b4 it affects OO and I don't c that happening.
Mike Eaton
Where are they getting these numbers???? Hillary Clinton??
Leopold Stotch
Jan Krakowiak Jr. the comments
Jan Krakowiak Jr.
Wow, dude. Just wow.
Dan Determan
Bull Crap! We are getting more regulation and head aches!
Sergey Filatov
O please. Not up. More like down
Samuel Lee
Article is "sucker bait" and a "lure" for flunkies that make people who know this business furious.
Aaron S Caldwell
Enough of this rederic talk!! True that Kirk!!
Michael Jahns
Robert Madarik