Self-Driving Semis 'To Create New Generation of Truck Drivers'

by Jana Ritter - Published: 4/27/2016

Autonomous trucks are making headlines again after six teams of self-driving semi trucks recently completed their long-distance convoys across Western Europe. Following last year's U.S. premiere of the 2025 self-driving Freightliner in Nevada, this latest successful European mission is being marked as a major milestone in autonomous vehicle technology - and again raising questions about the future of truck drivers.

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While some speculate trucking technology will ultimately result in computers eliminating jobs as they have in many other fields already, many say that isn’t necessarily going to be case with truck drivers. For one thing, the nation’s truck driver shortage is already forecasted to get worse before better and autonomous trucks are supposedly part of the solution. While its inevitable that self-driving semis will likely reduce the need for truck drivers to some degree, humans are still going to be a necessary part of the equation. As seen with the recent European convoy, the self-driving semis were essentially playing “follow the leader,” matching the speed and overall route led by a human truck driver manning the vehicle up front.

“We don’t want to get rid of drivers,” said Sven Ennerst, Daimler Trucks’ head of development. “We want to make their lives more efficient and more easy.” The fact is that technology hasn’t reached the point of building vehicles capable of handling any situation, road condition or maneuvering without human help. And when self-driving trucks hit the U.S. highways, they’ll certainly still require humans behind the wheel. The realistic scenario is that a human truck driver will still be required to start the truck, drive it onto the highway and then let the computer take over – making long hauls much more pleasant and likely making "truck driving" a different type of job all together.

“In-cab time could be dedicated to higher skill activities, as opposed to just driving,” says Dan Siciliano, a law professor specializing in corporate governance and robotics at Stanford University. “You may see the traditionally blue collar truck driver ultimately having more of a back office white collar profile.” Depending on how trucking companies choose to make the transition to autonomous trucks and monetize their human employees, the future industry will likely demand a new type of driver: someone who can back up a big rig and wield a computer.

In fact, some industry insiders are already preparing for a future generation of truck driver/computer engineer hybrids and Trucking Unlimited is among the first to foster a new breed of college educated truck drivers. The company just announced they are offering its first scholarship to Computer Science undergraduates to help cover a portion of their college expenses and plan to create more educational incentives in the future.

Timothy Begle
In the airline industry. High tech planes created bored pilots, pilots that don’t really have much experience and pilots who couldn’t take over efficiently when things go wrong. Thus, there was increase of airline accidents! Just sitting there mindlessly just makes the mind and senses weak. It’s hands on the keep pilots and truck drivers sharp and skilled. Driving a truck onto the road, then let the auto drive takeover and then bring it to a stop at the end of a trip. Equals many more problems then it will fix! Computers fail. Mechanical issues arise. Weather suddenly turns. Drivers with many years sitting in a seat. Won’t be able to handle want goes wrong because they don’t have any idea how to handle an emergency. Thus, BOOM! They crash. Everybody will just be a newbie watching computer screens as if they are watching a video game.
Software Scripts
+1 this
Kirk Righetti
Being a truck driver myself for many years I'd say thus will cause more bad than good. Driving isn't an automatic thing, you have individuals in 4 wheelers that don't pay attention now. How are you goin to program a computer to think and react...don't see this goin to well.
Timothy Begle
Lets keep in mind people. It's an "Autonomous Truck". It will always have a driver (or seat warmer) in the cab. You’ll still have all the New Breed drivers trying to back into parking spaces and running over everything that is a truck stop. The biggest sell has been trucks can drive closer together. As if trucks aren’t already. You’ll have several trucks running in a group all linked by a computer. In theory it’ll somehow make the roads less crowded. Should make for nice big pileups in bad weather and during a computer failure. All these millions and millions being spent just so drivers can be downgraded more then they already are. A driver will only be needed to get the truck on the road and landed back off the road. That way any Wal-Mart toilet cleaner can get a trucking job at Wal-Mart earnings.
Ryan J Lemons
Not to mention breaking the autonomous system too
Glenda West
There still testing them. However, They are driving them around in California. Hubby is a truck driver. Who told me this. We disagree with this. Machine's make mistakes. One life is not worth it. Against drunk drivers but for this. How Stupid.
James Spafford
Though I've never trained a driver, I've offered this as advise. Driving isn't something you think about, it's something you react to. The time for thinking and planning is when all is smooth. That way when it does go down, and sooner or later it will, you can react to it... Not liking these autonomous trucks that much right now for all the reasons stated. Computers fail, weather changes in meer seconds, and what about a hail storm that will crash the sonar guidance systems?? What about a sudden temperature break and the roads go from wet to solid ice in a matter of feet. How does that truck "react" to that??
Tina Maclachlan Ferguson
I don't think it should ever happen.When it does,I will not be leaveing my home.I think it's down right crazy.I also think anyone thinking of this crap,is definitely tweeking on meth.But then again,this generation of people anymore,are tweeking in their thinking anyway.Hell they wouldn't have to work..
Tina Maclachlan Ferguson
All we need now is a power grid to quit and bam,every damn truck would be going crazy,and the human being that calls himself a driver,too damn drunk to do a damn thing about it.lmao
Jeff Casey
All they are going to do is take jobs away from people electronic malfunction and break all the time how are they going to know to stop at red lights are they going to go just because it's green people run them all the time it to many uncontrollable things that happen on the road for this to work out safely
Sammy Keith
Un maned trucks you tell me. Dont support un cashier boxes either. If you want my business put someone there or I will go else where.
Heather Donaghy
Not a good idea!! I wouldn't trust this. I'm tired of Technology taking Hard Working Peoples jobs away from them !!
Roy Sellers
I say that's someone's attempt to " dumb down" the profession. It takes a certain type of skill to operate those rigs and it is not for everybody... Although some companies will put anybody with a pulse behind the wheel and that is evident nearly every time I get on the interstate and see one jackknifed or laying on its side... Some companies more than others.
John MD Kessner
The industry screwed everything up , the ATA which is ru n by the motor carriers an the shortage of good drivers Ha blame the carriers. Its a freaking joke out here an now this bull crap article WTH . The motor carriers can blame them selves for problems WHITE COLLAR CRIMINALS PERIOD .
Gary Steffan
I would like to see it figure out at the truck stop there are no parking spots left and I would like to see it back in to a spot
Derrick Hamm
Adapt or die. It isn't driving the truck that is the difficult part.
Billy Zirkle
They may be self driving but who's loading them ? Invisible man?
Todd Ross
I doubt it can happen in a consistent manner in America as our roads and their stripes are in such disrepair that the drivers could never let go of the wheel.... Europe maintains much higher standards on road construction
John McMinn
They can't even get a car to work don't think going to get a truck to
Jon Carroll
Got to be better than Swift drivers !!!
William Seifert
People coming up with this crap need to put down their crack pipe.....
William Vinet
Let's not forget the potential hackers that can cause problems
Eliot E. Oitker will only benefit corporation. ...put mor money in their pocket....
John Regan
Railroad workers won't be happy
Luther Chambers Mcmillian
Technology is gonna ruin civilization.
Michael Bossert
There is no exception for this. It's just another way for them to pay drivers less money.
Tim Daley
haven't tested them yet on Michigan roads and traffic...
Mark Sisco
Tina Maclachlan Ferguson
You can say that again lol
Larry Pointer
These roads are too full for shit like that!
Monte Burnette
Never happen or it will be danger for everyone...
Kevin Barr
Probably do better then some human drivers. Especially some of today's rookies.
Sue Domenico
Do you drive?
Kevin Barr
Sue Domenico yes,20 yes.
Kevin Barr
Divanildo Quirino
Are you kidding me how is a computer going to predict a sudden cut of & dumb Shit that happened in the NE
Ben Ellis
Let's not forget what happened in Bangladesh last easter. #neverforget #yogurtmassacre
Aaron S Caldwell
A nightmare that WILL come true!
Keith Gammon
Wonder if it can deliver 15 liftgate stops
Jeffrey Hayes
Hell yeah ... kick back ...Ice down a 6 pack and set her on autohammer. ... lmao ... ;-) ...
Johnny Schuett
Won't happen anytime soon. When it does it'll be a bad idea in the first bad weather.
James McCreight
Full-Automation is far away. So I'm not worrying, you pansies
Nick Magee
We dont need this
William Vinet
Well I see a lot of lawsuits coming
Software Scripts
Always love everything related to
Mandy Brown
It won't happen in my life time so meh
Software Scripts
Hell yeah!<3
James Thornton
Alongside a railroad track.
Software Scripts
totally right :D
Doug Skubal
Haha... New Breed he says.... Good luck with that...
Trayce Marshall Burton
Sturdiest iv ever heard !!
Stanley Zesch Jr.
screw that...
Tami Alaritop
No thanks
Ryan J Lemons
Mary Pressley
" Huh !