Port Trucking Companies Ignoring Amnesty Deal Despite Legal Risks

by Jana Ritter - Published: 7/06/2016

After 13 strikes, approximately 800 wage claims and tens of millions of dollars in back pay and penalties paid to California port truck drivers misclassified as contractors, several trucking companies apparently refuse to see the writing on the wall and are blatantly ignoring a recent "amnesty deal" put forth by the state. Launched in May, the Motor Carrier Amnesty Program allows carriers to pay back wages to misclassified drivers and change their work status from independent contractor to employee. By participating in the program, the trucking companies would be relieved of any liability that may result in fines and other penalties. However, no companies are biting as of yet.

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Employment classification has been an on-going battle between California port truck drivers and companies since 2011, with multiple labor strikes severely impacting operations and hundreds of wage claim suits filed by drivers alleging they've been misclassified as independent contractors and denied benefits owed to employees, including wages, overtime pay, unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation. According to the California Labor Commissioner’s office, so far truck drivers have won more than $35 million in over 300 cases and there are 199 port truck driver wage claims still pending. Still, not one company has voluntarily signed up for the program despite the potential legal risks.

“I haven’t talked to any companies that plan to sign up for the amnesty program,” said Weston LaBar, spokesman for the Harbor Trucking Association. He calls the amnesty program a “bill of false goods.” In fact, LaBar claims that many companies that have put their drivers on payroll have gone out of business because they can’t find older, experienced drivers who want to become employees. According to LaBar, many of these drivers believe “they are making more money as independent contractors.” However, there are plenty of truck drivers such as Daniel Uaina who disagree. Uaina believes he would make more as an employee driver because he would be guaranteed a set number of hours per week and others also believe that many trucking companies find a way to pass most of their costs such a fuel, rent or leases onto independent contractors.

Officials haven’t yet given their own theory on why trucking companies have pretty much balked at the amnesty program, which was administered by California’s Department of Labor Standards Enforcement and the Employment Development Department. “We cannot speculate as to why trucking companies either choose or reject voluntary participation,” said Paola Laverde of California’s Department of Industrial Relations. She also added that they couldn’t make guesses on why or why not companies choose to follow the law.

Gary Schubert, president of IBT says his company will not be participating in the amnesty program even if the labor board sides with IBT drivers. According to Schubert, the claims made by drivers are unfounded because most drivers don’t want to be classified as employee drivers but instead want to “be their own bosses.” He also says that a number of trucking companies “will go out of business rather than repay the money they owe” and that the rulings against the trucking industry will only result in fewer jobs for truck drivers. “When the trucking companies go out of business, the trucks get returned back to the leasing companies. Drivers don’t have a truck, the drivers don’t have jobs and drivers didn’t collect any money from the suit. It’s a lose-lose deal,” says Schubert.

Michael Wheeler
If you lease a truck you are an independent contractor not an employee. You wanted to lease the truck and be your own boss that's how it works you're not a company employee so think about leasing a truck.
Buddy Davis
Container haulers and fed ex are the worst drivers besides swift. Always in a hurry because they can't make good money driving like a white man
Jim Bennett
What does the color of a mans skin have to do with it?
Michael R. Beals
Container haulers are dirt bags driving piece of shit trucks, most of them non American so who cares
David Martinez
Bitch stfu
Michael R. Beals
Sorry didn't mean to hurt your vagina
Jorge Contreras
Michael R. Beals stfu ur the part of the problem in the trucking industry and I don't even do port I'm a OTR driver but won't ever disrespect another truck driver
Michael R. Beals
No Dick head in not the problem. I am right their equipment is run down shit wagons with defects all over that probably shouldn't be on the road and yes most of them don't speak English so go pound sand
PJ Heinz
If that truck is registered in your name you're an independent contractor. Why the fuck would you want to be an employee?
Grady Halbrooks
Shut the damn trucks down companies will get their shit together then
Keith Conder
Uh, that's what they have been doing and most companies affected have closed rather than reclassify the workers.
Chad Stidham
Momma says big truck company is the Debil ! Bobby . The lie to and cheat the drivers .
Dale Kissell
If they own their truck and are leased to the company they're pulling for they're not employees they're contract workers
David Searle
Exactly!!! I don't see wtf the argument is about?
Dale Kissell
They were lease to own and getting fucked I guess but that's what you get when you want to be am owner op
Brett Ruge
Lease to own should be outlawed, its a scam, that's what they should be screaming about, they can't scream about wanting to be independent ( owner op ) then want to have zero responsibility like a company employee
Brian Bickel
Congress needs to reclassify CDL holders as skilled labor.
Samuel Lee
Container hauling don't add up..you're empty goin back to the port, empty verses loaded 50/50???? There's no there there.
William Curtin
If you want to be treated as a employee become a company driver......
Ernest Proper

James W Slagle
Their still truck drivers . I dont care if you own it or drive for a company. Your still a truck driver.
William Seifert
You cant speak english and haul containers.......
Paul Hill
Keith Conder
That's what they have been doing. Did you not read the article? Companies affected by the strikes and lawsuits are simply closing down.
Paul Hill
We all need to shutdown Keith
Mike Matevich
Strike.... Yawn
Shilow Rip Ace
why does everyone hate container haulers
Kevin Austin

Marcus Mane Mane Harris
Andre Stansberry
James R Maxwell