Congested Traffic Costing Trucking Industry Billions

by Jana Ritter - Published: 4/25/2016

Truck drivers already spend too much time waiting to pick-up and drop-off loads, and according to a recent study they’re losing a lot more time to traffic congestion on U.S. roads. The American Transport Research Institute reported that in 2014 alone, truckers lost 728 million hours in delivery time to congested traffic and it’s the equivalent to 264,500 commercial truck drivers not doing their job for an entire work year. That amount calculated to $1 billion in time lost to traffic congestion, and in Florida and Texas, the total reached $4 billion.

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The American Society of Civil Engineers also conducted a study to determine a possible remedy and they determined the U.S. needs to invest $1.7 trillion into its surface transportation by 2020. “This is a huge issue. “Delays cost money and ultimately increase the cost of transported goods,” said Joe Rajkovacz, governmental affairs director of the Western States Trucking Association. Cathy Morrow Roberson, chief analyst at Logistics Trends & Insights added that Increased trade by the North American Free Trade Agreement is also contributing to congestion problems along the U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico. “The U.S. continues to lag in infrastructure improvements, and instead of being able to invest back into their businesses, shippers and carriers end up with unnecessary extra costs to simply move goods within the country,” Robertson said. “There are so many projects that need to be addressed – ports, dams, inland waterways, roads – and never enough money to go around.”

The growth of e-commerce has also added to the pressure as next-day, same-day and two-day delivery of goods is becoming the standard and to meet the demand, companies are setting up warehouses and freight distribution centers closer to already congested metropolitan areas. Amazon now has over 100 centers throughout the country and the locations are within 20 miles of 31 percent of the U.S. population and within 20 miles of more than half of its same-day delivery market. In order to compete, other companies are also offering the speedy delivery services and this norm has quickly added to the burden of an already stressed road system.

But according to Robertson, the real problem is the politics of finding a solution and determining who should pay for new roadways. Before it was primarily fuel taxes funding most road construction but as the fuel economy of both cars and commercial vehicles continues to rise, it lowers tax collections from fuel sales. Basically, drivers are increasing the wear on roads but they aren’t contributing any more to funding the maintenance and repairs. “Perhaps infrastructure problems should not be strictly a political concern but a business and government concern,” Roberson said. “Maybe it’s time for businesses to have their say and offer solutions and funding for projects that directly impact them.”

Dave Chapman
Racing the electronic log has it own inherent dangers! We need to be able to stop the fucking 14 hour clock from ticking our time away while we are idle and resting waiting on slow loading or unloading companies or traffic conditions! Fuck electronic logs!!
Sam Ingram
I agree! Sadly our profession is filled with too many who know nothing about our proud heritage of being true professionals.
Larry Raper
I'm with you there brother aside from it just driving me crazy it's a pain in the butt you go to these shippers and receivers and there by the hour and they just don't get into no hurry to unload it so if you complain about it they even slowed down work
Chris Martin
That was possible before eobr became the rule. The old days when truck drivers would nap from 4 to 7 p.m. to avoid afternoon rush hours. So they weren't irritated with it, and to reduce the number of trucks sitting in rush hour trafic.... Those days are over. Join the crowd. Drive when the government knows I'd best for you. !!
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Pete Longoria
Never mind that. The warehouse should quit waisting the drivers time. Get them loaded so we get down the road..
Kate Campbell
There was a place I went to in Wisconsin in and out in 1/2 hr. Best delivery ever.
Pete Longoria
A papermill company . Will give u a gift card if u there more then 30 min.
Eric Maus
Unfortunately there is no correct answer as long as the government is going to regulate and make rules while sitting behind a desk and never behind the wheel. Elogs and hours of service are not the answer. That has already been proven and is painfully obvious. When big carriers that are already running all the elogs and state if the art equipment are leading in accidents, the state of art technology and federal regulations will never replace experience. We are putting way to many inexperienced drivers on the road and mixing it with congested traffic and car drivers who have no clue what it takes to start and stop 80,000 lbs. A majority of the problem is due to everyone being in a hurry to get home or to work and they try to pass in the outside Lane knowing that it is going to merge shortly then traffic is backed up while we start and stop to let them back in. It is a problem that is not gonna go away because there is no way to educate the masses on the issues that cause the problem
James Stinson
Use some common sense when making choices of the time the start construction, and let trucks use left lanes in and around the cities. Its only smart for all thru traffic to keep left in cities except to exit and make deliveries. Don't guess the understand common sense though
Software Scripts
Thanks so much for that:D
Shawn Rye
That is exactly my thoughts if all the trucks were in the left lane no cars in the left lane traffic would roll smoother because 90% of your trucks are through traffic that gives all your commuters to get on and off the freeway very smart thinking
Michelle Anderberg
People get very pissed when I stay in the left lane (which is allowed in MN). Too bad for them. All they need to do is learn how to merge so I don't have to slam my brakes on while they are merging on a 70
Michelle Anderberg
MPH at 40.
Michelle Anderberg
AND looking in the mirror or stopping at the bottom of the ramp to see if they can merge in doesn't work!! And while we are at it, stay off the phone while you are driving your little car. Very obvious from where I sit that you cannot multi task. Thanks for letting me vent!
Larry Raper
Four wheelers have no respect for the truckers the government has no respect for the truckers and the shippers and receivers have no respect for the truckers then you go to the truck stop and then people it's a crapshoot now you're getting a lot of the younger people that they don't care about anybody but their self so it's gotten out of control and it logs are no solution to the problem like a dude said it's some government wasted sitting up there making rules and he has no idea as to what's going on what we need to do is knockout about 10% of his salary see what he thinks about it I'll be glad to get out of this business it's gotten worse
Kenneth Aldridge
If everyone would get a job they would be at work all day instead of running up and down the highway all day the congestion is all them Obama voters riding around all day long with no job.
Nadine De Mers
I remember, before the freeways came in, things were wonderful. Most people had only one car. We could drive to Tooele and see only a few cars. We had a lot less pollution and it was a joy to drive.
Terry Sprague
Well the interstate s were built for trucks then the four wheelers took over so I'm gonna say every slow ass driver that holds up trucks because you feel the need to take your car for a walk on the interstate highway
William Seifert
Start making large corporations warehouse their nonperishable shit and utililise the rail would probably take 30% of the dry vans off the highway.......
Jim Beason
Um, how do you get it from the rail to the warehouse?
William Seifert
Rail head direct to the warehouse
Bradley Putchat
Won't work, the warehouses can't screw the railroads for lumper fees because they won't pay them.
Brian Perkins
You need to get a clue dude! There are no trains going to your local Walmart. Trucks do it all! It's hardly amtrack.
William Seifert
Not the stores the distribution centers.......
Joe Wilson
If you want it the way it used to be pull parking brakes and refuse all the Government bullshit rules and do move those trucks Hit em where it hurts trucks stick together!!
Michelle Anderberg
I would love to see a trucker strike. I would gladly sit home while store shelves run out of shit and lmao as people realize ......
Michelle Anderberg
If people would quit buying shit, we wouldn't have to be out there putting up with assholes. Trucking was a lot nicer 20 years ago.
Marcus Toon
If 4wheelers would just get in the lane they need to b in and fucking stay there half the problem would b solved right there
Bill Fields
And your bum bum ass needs to start doing the night shift,
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Kirk Righetti
Here's an idea...if u run regular routes week in week out, u know where and congestion around it, plan trip around those areas. Don't drive through cities during rush hour. Travel where personal vehicles aren't. Anyone that has been driving and paying attention for a while knows individuals in 4 wheel vehicles don't pay attention, in a hurry, and don't respect anyone. Most don't know rules of road or even how to drive. Roads around towns and cities are local responcibities not commercial trucking. Interstate road was are paid by road tax at the pump. If u use fuel tax for roads and not other stuff our roads wouldn't be so bad.
Bill Fields
More colorful commentary from the dumbass trucking crowd !
Kirk Righetti
Hey Bill Fields...these dumbass trucking crowd bring you ur shit to the stores, if you knew anything bout the industry your ignorant ass would be talkin out ur ass. The road tax u spend filling up ur tank IS supposed to go to repair roads. Let me guess you don't see a problem with commercial trucking to pay for your roads huh.
Mark A Fitez
Who should pay for it I think we already do pay for it what you should be saying is how much money should we cut the politicians pay back and cut some of the other frivolous spending they do and fix the roads that's what you should be saying
Johnny Schuett
I thought our taxes were supposed to pay for the roads. I guess not enough left over after the politicians steal their share
Jason Vanderwarf
Cities could build delivery and load centers that companies rent spaces out of so (otr)can deliver and get loaded at these places . And then local smaller trucks can then deliver them to their final destination when rush hour is over . This would create alot more jobs, and the construction of loop highways around the city for trucks to travel on . Employing thousands .
Eddie Venatta
Quit having the inside lanes for hov instead make them truck only since 90% or higher trucks are going threw a city. You rarely see a truck cutting across 3,4 or 5 lanes of traffic to hit an exit downtown.
Software Scripts
Hell yeah!
Chris Seiley
I try doing most of my driving in the dark hours so rarely any traffic jams but still get stuck in em.
Ken Dorr
DOT Fines should be paying for this. All in the name of safety right ??? Instead of lining some politicians pocket.
Ted Mckenney
Teach people to pay attention to driving and quit clogging up the left lanes in your lousy Prius or Kia like everyone has to go your slow speed.
Kris Carter
How about make otr only pickup and drop pre loaded trailers and have locals run the live pickups and live deliveries? Problem solved
Robert Custer
Traffic is a small issue. Wasting time at shippers and receivers is the real money waster.
Tyrone Woods
Deport the illegals would be a good start
Robert Keck
Just let us mow them down without getting a ticket
Chris Gvozd
If you had lanes that went through the city's so we truckers and other traffic don't mix will help
Jeff Yoder
Plan your route!! We all know what times to avoid certain areas
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I agree
Brian Perkins
Good idea. What are you supposed to do when your appointment time is 2 pm in a big city? I guess make your own personal appointment time. What a joke get in a big truck take your sweat pants off and get real.
John M Phillips Sr.
Electronic logs are only going to make it worse !
Ronald P Williams
stop stealing highway/fuel taxes and building walking/bicycle paths with that money
Derek Thevenot
Get rid of all the illegals driving truck and in the United states
Joe Newman
Teach everybody how to drive. You are not on a race track obey the laws. Cars and semi's.
Bill Fields
If everyone will take notice, the roads are congested during the day and the truck stops are at night. Ever wonder why ? 99.6% of drivers are solar powered and 99.6% of regular commuters are going to work at the same time. Split this up and relief is here. Dumbass truck drivers need to start nights and four wheelers need to go home by day !
Eddie Venatta
Tell that to the shippers and receivers since the majority of them are only open during the day.
Bill Fields
Eddie, I've been out here 28 years and this is what I see daily and have seen for 28 years
Bill Fields
Eddie, I'm not being a asshole here. Same old shit, different year. Look at the truck stops in the day time. Very very few are over 10% full by day
Jason Stearns
I know plenty of truck stops that are full during the day and night. But as far as night driving goes: all I run is night and the amount of careless and ignorant drivers of both cars and big trucks is increasing at night. They're just as likely to cut you off at night as they do in the day and terms to be more ignorant.
Kurt Alan Grobe
Bill you are an ASSHOLE,the problem is the TIME warehouses waste loading or unloading trucks.And why should truckers have to drive during the late night,early am hours,WHAT if they are like me and cannot drive those hours without being a hazard?
Bill Fields
Kurt Alan Grobe Kurt, I really appreciate the compliment. And just FYI, that is Mr Asshole, but I prefer sir before and after, sweetheart!!
Bill Fields
And the only triple play you do is your wife, your good buddy and dot, sugarshorts!!
Chris Martin
That was possible before eobr became the rule. The old days when truck drivers would nap from 4 to 7 p.m. to avoid afternoon rush hours. So they weren't irritated with it, and to reduce the number of trucks sitting in rush hour trafic.... Those days are over. Join the crowd. Drive when the government knows I'd best for you. !!
Bill Fields
Chris: I do at times nap and still get my time in. Argument invalid '
Bill Fields
The same rules apply's to the elog as to paper.
Bill Fields
Quit saying on SiriusXM and to the fmcsa that you can't do it on a eld but can on paper and you just might get to keep paper logs, but I don't see truck drivers keeping their stupid mouth shut !!
Brian Philips
Bill fields. Your the one running your fkn mouth. Yr a ass clown
Bill Fields
Brian Philips blow me sweety
Bill Fields
And Brian: I'll lay odds on the fact that your" fatass" can't even pass a dot physical!! Clean up your own yard before commenting on mine !
Brian Powell
Put all the cars on a train, ol Bernie has it usual
Samuel Lee
$10 per gallon gasoline.... Problem solved.
John Crooks
Teach them how to use it properly.
Angel Mauricio Perez Caballos
Kate Campbell
Truck only lanes.
Sue Domenico
With the way many trucks are governed it would causes problems. Not to mention 4 wheelers would still be using them.
Jason Stearns
^^^ agreed. Every single truck only area I've seen in this country is still littered with all the slow trucks seem to think that all of the lanes in those areas are for them and ignore rules of the road and common courtesy.
Ronald Smith
Common courtesy is not so common anymore in any respect. At least not until we stop fighting each other and work together.
Nelson Henry
Software Scripts
Interesting post thanks this is really good more on please